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Kazantzakis museum

(updated August 4, 2007)

You'll find the Kazantzakis museum in the village Vavaroi, about 20 kilometers south of Heraklion. As the name suggests, the museum is about the Greek philosopher, writer and poet Nikos Kazantzakis. It is a permanent exhibition of works, personal possessions, photographs and other items which provide a good picture of the life and career of Kazantzakis. A video is shown in the museum.

The museum is housed in a very tight space which is old-fashioned furnished. The material is displayed in showcases for each period are. For people who have little or no interest in the live of Kazantzakis, it is not worth the trouble to go there. For people who know a little about Kazantzakis (for example if you did read some of his works) a visit is worthwhile.

The museum is open throughout the year from 8:30 am to 15:00 pm. On Mondays, the museum closed.
